Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Lush MVPs

Hey again, readers!

So recently a lot of people have been asking me about what skincare products I use, and I was originally going to make a blog post detailing my shower squad. However, when I went in the shower I realized almost everything I use is from Lush, and a lot of non-shower products I use are Lush products as well, so it just seemed more sensible to make a post about my Lush MVPs. 

So I love Lush. Like I am o-b-s-e-s-s-e-d. I love that their products are cruelty free, I love that they're natural, and I love that they actually work. When I was pregnant a couple months ago I remembered someone telling me I had to be careful with what I used on my skin, and had to make sure whatever I used didn't have a ton of impossible-to-pronounce chemicals. At that point I already had a couple of products from Lush in my routine, but I took that advice as a perfect excuse to go shopping for more.

Anyone who has set foot in Lush before knows that it can be a madhouse, especially in the cherry hill mall, due to the small square footage, the plethora of products, and the barrage of people, both workers and consumers. Initially, I was a little overwhelmed. Hell, I still get overwhelmed sometimes going in there. But the difference is before I was buying products at random, and buying different products every time I went in, and now I have figured out which ones are the holy grail products. Now I can walk in there, confident as hell, and stunt on everyone in there with how well I know what I want. I know the store like the back of my hand now (and most of the workers as well), and I go in and get whichever products I've ran out of, and usually a couple samples.
side note: ASK FOR SAMPLES. If you want to try a product, ask for a sample. Get as many samples as they'll let you. They are EXTREMELY generous with samples, both in the amount of samples you can get, and the actual amount of product they give you. Do it. The way some of these MVPs were found was from sampling. Don't feel embarrassed. Hold your head high and sample your heart out.

Anyway, point of this blogpost is to not only let people in on the products I routinely use, but also which products from Lush I hold in the highest regard, that way next time you go shopping in there you have a little more product background, and you're not so confused or overwhelmed. I'm going to include my product faves from multiple different categories of self care, ranging from face, to body, to make up related products. 
My personal background: My skin has always been very oily, and now it is combination (but mostly oily). I used to have really bad body acne as well, and it was on my arms, back, legs, and butt. When you're pregnant, your hormones rage, and your skin flares. With the help of some of these products, I had the most beautiful, glowing, clear skin once I found the correct ones for me. Now, post-baby, my hormones are still raging, and my skin is still calm for the most part, with the occasional cystic hormone pimple (but there's not much that can be done about those, really). Summary: these products work for me. 
On with the post!

1. Mint Juleps (lip scrub)

If you wear lipstick, and your natural lips get chapped a lot, or they get that weird gross tacky stuff on them sometimes, this product will be your saving grace. Like this is once of those products that works for everyone, because it is just that wonderful. The taste of the Mint Juleps in particular is really lovely, and the way this works is you scoop some out with your finger, rub it on your lips, rub your lips together (like you do with lipstick), and then lick it off and wipe the remnants. And you don't need to use a ton of it at once to get good results. You just get one decent sized scoop with your finger, and spread it evenly over your lips, including the outer corners of your lips as well. End result is super soft lips, free of dead skin and chapped pieces. Before I had this, I would put on lipstick, and then look up close at it, and I would see a bunch of dead skin. It would make my lipstick look super weird, and they I would be trying to pick it off, then re-apply the lipstick, then wait for the swelling and redness from picking to go away, and so on and so forth.  Using this before applying my lipstick saves me from the drama. It's seriously so useful, and definitely a staple in my routine.

2. 9 to 5 (make-up remover)

This product is like cold cream, if any of you have ever used that before as a makeup remover. The consistency of this product is not too thick, not too watery, but just right. And you literally only need the tiniest bit. I mean at least I do, because I don't do a ton of eye makeup and stuff. Like I'll take a shower and try to rinse my eye makeup off with a soap, but there's always leftover raccoon eyes, especially if I did a wing, or a lot of mascara layers, or something like that. Enter this product; You take enough to just cover the pad of your index finger, and wipe in on your eyes. Then you let it sit for a second, and wipe it off. It's totally safe, so if it gets in your eyes a little they won't be on fire. I don't know how much you would need to use if you were taking off straight up eye makeup, but you only need a little bit if you do it my way, which is taking off most in the shower, and just getting the remainder off. I got this product for Christmas last year, and its still like half full, so you really get the bang for your buck with this one.

3. Aqua Marina (face wash)

This is currently my favorite Lush product. My routine wouldn't thrive like it does if this product wasn't a part of it. The pink part contains calamine, which helps soothe irritated skin, and the seaweed helps to nourish. I remember my skin used to be so bad, in terms of breakouts and oil, and I would use super hardcore products to try and dry it out, hoping that I would dry the pimples out and get rid of the oil. I was making it worse. I remember at one point I was using rubbing alcohol on my face like it was a toner. What I learned is I was drying my skin out with all the chemicals, and so my skin would product oil to replenish the dryness, on top of the oil that it already produced. I was greasy as hell. But this product is made for sensitive and irritated skin, and it works like magic. My skin is way less oily, and my acne is so reduced that people ask me to write blog posts about the products I use. If you looked at my skin a year ago, you wouldn't believe how bad it was. Someone at work literally told me they didn't believe that I used to have bad skin, because it looks so good now. I cried. But anyway, to use this product you scoop out a marble-sized amount, wet your skin, slightly wet the wash (the consistency is like a putty), and rub all over. Leave on for a minute or two for best results. I'll usually put this on, wash another area of my body, and then rinse it off. Another great thing about Aqua Marina is it comes in two sizes, but the price is determined by the weight, so you can really get whatever size fits into your budget, which is awesome for a broke bitch like me. 

4. Dirty Springwash (liquid body soap)

I'm currently into Lush's bar soaps right now, but I used this liquid body wash for a long time, and I'll get a small bottle of it every other shopping trip. My two favorite things about this product: it lathers really nice, and the scent. The SCENT. Oh my god, it's so good. At least to me it is. It smells like spearmint, so it's really nice and menthol-y. One whiff of this and it clears your sinuses right up. It also does a really nice deep clean, and I always feel super refreshed after using this. As you can see in the photo, it comes in a couple different sizes, so you could either go full dirty, or you could get a small bottle and a soap bar, which is what I like to do.

5. Parsley Porridge (bar soap for body)

I know this is a really shitty picture, but it's the green soap. I am totally obsessed with this. It has parsley, aloe vera, tea tree oil, and tons of other wonderful things in it that help keep my skin nice and clear. Since I've been using this I have no breakouts on my body. None. Aside from the occasional sweat pimple where my bra hooks, but as long as I don't mess with it, it'll dry right up. I'll usually rub it onto my loofa, and i'll get a nice lather, or i'll use this thing I have that is like a scrubby loofa rag thing, and I'll wrap this in it, get a lather, and rub all over with the soap inside of the scrubber rag for a nice exfoliation. I'm serious though when I say I used to have the worst body acne, and now I don't have anything ANYWHERE. Not on my arms, not my butt, not my back, not anywhere. It is a little strong though, so I don't recommend using it on your face. But it does wonders for your body. Also, Lush does their bar soaps by weight as well, so you could either get a nice big piece to have for awhile, or a smaller piece just to try. You can get a pretty nice sized chunk of soap for like $5 from them. Usually what I do is I'll splurge and get a $20 piece, because I know that I'm going to use it all the time, and I'll have them cut it into a couple smaller, more manageable pieces. 

6. Porridge (face/body soap)

This oatmeal soap is super nice for sensitive skin, and it has actual oats in it that are perfect for natural exfoliation. I usually use this soap bar on my face, before I use anything else, because it gently cleans, and the oats naturally exfoliate. For my skin, different products that use microbeads or other man-made scrubbers are too harsh, and they actually scratch my skin. On top of that, I read that they're also not the best for the environment, because they don't break down. But this has natural oats in it, so no harm done. And they really are nice and scrubby, but they don't scratch your skin at all. They're the perfect texture. And when this lathers it's smooth and milky. I'll put this directly on my face to get the benefits of the oats' exfoliation, and then i'll lather it between my hands, and use the lather on my face. Also, I don't feel bad stacking products with this soap, because it's so gentle and soothing that I don't have worry about drying my skin out.

7. Sultana of Soap (sensitive areas)

I'm just gonna come out and say it: this soap is awesome for lady parts. It's really sensitive, really moisturizing, and has a nice milky lather. I mean you don't use a ton of it down there, but at least with my body I have to be careful with what soaps I use down there, or else I can throw my Ph balance off, or dry myself out. Don't care if it's tmi- this is my blog, and I can write whatever I want. This helps me get nice and clean, while also staying nice and balanced. This is also Jeff's favorite soap, because it's really moisturizing on his dry, cracked, worked-all-day-long hands, and it makes his skin super soft when he uses it all over. This is my go-to emergency soap as well, like if I run out of my regular facial products I'll substitute this in the meantime. It's really sensitive and moisturizing, and definitely a great soap to always have in your bathroom. I don't think we've gone more than 2 days without having this soap in our shower since we starting buying it 5 or 6 months ago. This is another product that I'll stock up on and splurge on a big chunk, because both Jeff and I love it so much.

8. Cup O'Coffee (face mask)

I do a face mask at least once a week. It's like a must for me now. Doing a face mask during the week gives me a nice deep clean, and if I go a week without doing one I definitely notice. If I'm having a week where my skin is starting to be problematic, then I'll do a mask twice a week, and that'll help clear it up. I love this mask because something about the coffee and the caffeine really helps wipe away impurities, and I've even heard that it's really good for cellulite and stretch marks, so I put some on my areas that suffer from that, too. There's also pieces of coffee grounds in this mask, so its really scrubby and exfoliating, which makes is a perfect mask; you can get a little bit of it, rub it on your face with some pressure for a nice scrub, and then put a bit more on, and let it sit. I usually line up my mask days with my shaving days, and I'll throw this mask on, and I'll leave it on while I shave. Doing this not only gives me the perfect amount of time to leave it on, but also gives me something to do while I let it sit, because if I just stand in the shower for 10-15 minutes to let the mask sink in I get bored, and I get annoyed, and I end up rinsing it off much earlier than I like to. This mask also smells amazing, so it's a really nice relaxing scent (to me at least) while I sit and shave. Definitely helps me unwind, and I look forward to my mask days because of this product. I definitely recommend this mask, it really is an all around knockout.

8. Buffy (body butter)

This product kicks ass. Literally. I rub it all over my ass, and it kicks in moisture. Seriously though, this is a really interesting, really moisturizing product. I mentioned before that I've always had oily skin, but when I got pregnant I started to get little stretch marks, and I was devastated. I didn't know what to do, because I didn't want to use something greasy, considering how prone to breakouts and clogged pores my body is. However, this product is not greasy at all. It delivers moisture, without the residue. The way it works is you wait until you're done your shower, and you wet your body, rub it GENTLY on the stretch mark affected areas, let it sit for a minute, and rinse. It makes my skin feel so silky smooth, but not greasy at all. It's crazy. I wish I knew a product like this existed much earlier, that way I could've maybe prevented some of the stretch marks on my boobs and my butt. I used it on my boobs and butt every other day, because I noticed everyday was clogging my pores a little bit in those areas, but I used it on my stomach everyday, and I have not one single stretch mark. I swear to god. But this product does have some very specific notes that I have to point out. First note is if you take really long, hot showers, it can melt the bar, so you'll want to get a tin for it (they sell tins at Lush). Also, you want to only rub, like, one layer. I made the mistake of rubbing it very hard all over my entire body, and in multiple layers, the first day I had it, and I wasted half of it. You only need to gently do one layer, and then rub it in with your hands. But if you have dry skin, this product is a life saver. Super duper moisturizing. 

9. Rub Rub Rub (body scrub)

I don't currently use this product, but when I did I loved it. Only downside is it can get pricey. But I would get a tiny scoop of it, lather it with a loofa, and then rub all over. It has little sea salt scrubbies in it, which are super nice for exfoliation, and it works up into a really nice lather with a super relaxing smell. I would use it that way, just a little bit on a loofa, for most of the week, and then one day out of the week I would splurge on an all over scrub directly on my skin, and oh my god was my skin soft. Whatever oils are in here, combined with the sea salt, they make your skin baby smooth. Like slink-out-of-the-shower-and-make-everyone-feel-how-soft-you-are kind of smooth. This stuff is like gold. If you buy it, and if you happen to share your shower with others, literally don't leave this in the shower. Everyone will want to use it, it's that good. Speaking from experience. But even though it can get a little expensive for an everyday forever kind of product, it's definitely a great product to splurge on to treat yourself every so often.

10. Sex Bomb (bath bomb)

I don't know what the hell they put in these bath bombs, but they make not only the water soft, which is crazy in itself, but they make your skin soft too after soaking in a bomb bath. And this bomb in particular is great for a nice, intimate bath. I'm not gonna get into detail, but trust me, between the scent and softness of your skin, you will be irresistible. These are also just plain fun to use: drop one in a bath, and watch the fizz push it around the tub and spit out colors. This one in particular makes the tub a really pretty purpley-pink color, and it has little soap rose petals inside it that fill the bath, too. And they're not expensive either. I mean you can spend $50+ on a dinner, plus whatever amount in gas and other things, or you could spend like $7 and have a really sweet and intimate night in. Jeff and I love using these in a bath as a date idea, it's like our thing. And once the bath is done, you leave feeling super refreshed and silky. You have to try one, at least once. They have all different kinds, with varying shapes and scents, and even holiday specials too, but this one is a classic, and it is my absolute favorite. Seriously, nothing beats taking a bath with your man in soft, colorful, scented water, with all the time in the world to get to know each other. We always have at least one in the bathroom for a pop up date at any time, all for $7. 

So now that I've sat and written about all of my favorite Lush products, I'm gonna go use all of them, because I made them sound really good. Hopefully my long ramblings didn't bore ya to death! Lots of luck for your next Lush adventure :)

Love always,
Liza Jane

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Unexpected Necessities

Hey Readers!

As many of you know, I've just had a baby. I never thought I would be a mom, so while pregnant I did a lot of research on things I would need to make parenting easier. However, while on my search I realized that there is an overabundance of "mandatory" items that I found I honestly never used. I received so many incredible gifts for my baby shower, but I ended up returning a lot of them because I found that they just weren't right for me, and as a result they were starting to collect dust in a closet. Through trial and error, I like to think I found the real "mandatory" items. The real M-V-Ps of momming products. Items that are big and very helpful to my everyday life, and items that are small that have become staples of convenience. And guess what? I am going to share my secrets with you. I will tell you what I have learned so far that you really need, that way you can maybe avoid all the return trips to Babies R Us that I wasted my time on the first two weeks of Anastasia being home. 

Also, all of the photos I am using are not my personal photos (except one, you'll know which one it is), but they are all photos of the specific items that I use

1. Bottle/Pacifier Sterilizer 

This is the one I use. This is a bigger item, but its not huge in size, maybe about a foot tall. I don't use this on a daily basis, but I use it every other day and it is super helpful. Once I've collected up all the dirty bottles, I rinse them out, take them apart, and throw them in here. You fill the bottom with a little water, press the on button, and they are steamed and sterilized in 10 minutes. Seriously. Then just hang everything on a drying rack, and you wait for it to be dry and ready to use! I really like it because it's a super deep clean, and it's done in 10 minutes. And it stops itself when it's done, so I don't have to worry about forgetting to turn it off and setting my house on fire, which is an incredible help.

2. Drying Rack

This particular drying rack is also by Avent. I put this item on my registry just because I got Avent bottles, and I figured I'd get everything Avent that went along with it. However, I have since ditched the Avent bottles, but kept the rack. And it doesn't have to be this one, this is just what I have because I like that the bottom detaches to clean it easier. But ANY drying rack will do.. seriously. Any. Just get one, or you will be very sorry and tired after drying every awkwardly-shaped-full-of-hard-to-reach-spots bottle.

3. Plain Soaking Tub

Very simple. Nothing fancy. Literally just a plain tub to soak stuff in. I mentioned earlier I use the bottle sterilizer every other day to clean and sterilize everything, but you feed the baby a million times a day, and you don't always have time to wait and sterilize. Once something is dirty I'll rinse it under the sink, and then throw it in this tub filled with just hot water and dish soap. Then once its soaked for a bit I'll take whatever is in there and rinse it under the sink to get the soap off. But this is amazing for when I realize I've dirtied all my bottles, but she's hungry and ready to eat, and I have no time to do a full clean. I'll just throw the stuff in here, wait a second, swish it around, and then rinse and use. It's kind of hard to explain how important this is to my daily routine, but trust me- this item is extremely convenient to have. But make sure you empty it each time, and clean it with a sponge and soap, or it'll get gross. 

4. Changing Pad Liner

I have a changing pad cover on top of my changing pad, but I also have a liner I put down on top of that. Babies R Us sells them in packs of three, which is nice because when one gets dirty there's another I can grab and use in the meantime. These can also be used in items like a Rock and Play or a swing. I never realized babies had blowouts, and I never realized how bad they can be. The one time Anastasia was in the Rock and Play sleeping, and when I got her I realized she pooped all the way up her back. It got on the Rock and Play, and it was a pain in the ass to clean. If you put a liner down in it, its much easier to take that out and clean than cleaning the whole Rock and Play. Also with the blowouts, when I put her on the changing pad, and the poop is all over her, it'll get all over the place while I'm changing her. So when the poop gets on the pad, I just put that in the hamper and get a new one, instead of having to take apart the changing pad cover and wash that and have her on the cold hard bare changing pad while I wait for it to be done washing. Also, my changing pad cover is cute, and the liners are plain and boring, and I'd rather have that covered in poop than my adorable changing pad. So these help keep my nice things clean, and they are very convenient to deal with when they get messed. 

5. Rock and Play

The one pictured is the one I have, but there are tons of different designs if you don't like this particular one. I cannot stress enough how helpful this item is, and how much Anastasia loves it. I honestly have her sleep in this very frequently because she loves it so much. Also it is SO convenient if I take her to someone else's house, because instead of bringing the huge Pack and Play I can just fold this up and go. It's also very light, and it rocks and plays music. If Anastasia is being fussy, i'll put her in the Rock and Play. If she's sleeping and I need to do a long task that would require her sleeping for a while, I'll put her in the Rock and Play. If I need to put her down just for a second, but I don't want her to get fussy, I'll put her in here and turn on the rocker and the music. She loves this Rock and Play. I know they're supposed to go in the bassinet to sleep because of SIDS or whatever, but she loves it in here, and it's perfect for taking to someone's house, putting her down for a nap, and putting her down for a second to clean. I use this thing constantly, I cannot recommend this item enough, seriously.

6. Wipe Warmer

I love this wipe warmer. Also, if you've made it this far into my blog, and are actually taking the time read it, thank you! Anyway, anytime I would change Anastasia she would throw a fit because she hates to be cold. She doesn't like being undressed, and she doesn't like the cold wet wipes on her butt. Having them warmed up makes changing her so much easier. I mean she still doesn't love it, but she's not screaming her head off every time anymore. Seriously, she is so much more comfortable when the wipes are warm. And it's funny, because I remember I put one of these on my registry, and I removed it because I thought it was just an excessive unnecessary item that I wouldn't ever use. I ended up going out the first week she was home and buying one. And you don't have to go nuts; this is just a plain wipe warmer, and it was like $20. And to fill it I just went to Walmart and picked up a box of wet wipes, and it comes with bags of wipes that you take a few of at a time to fill the wipe warmer. And when you run out you just put more in. But this item I didn't think was necessary, until I saw how much she hated the cold wipes. Diaper changing is so much easier now.

7. Bottle Warmer

If you buy nothing else, buy a bottle warmer. TRUST ME. Before this I was heating up water in a pan, which would take a couple minutes, and then I would put the bottle in the pan to sit for a couple minutes, and then check it every couple minutes, and it took forever. When you have a hungry baby screaming her head off, you don't have time for all that. And I tried just giving her the food cold, but she doesn't like it cold. She wont eat it. She'll spit it at me, and then scream in my face to warm it up. I fill this up with water, I put the bottle in, I wait maybe a minute to two minutes, and it's warm. There's a way to time it out with specific amounts of water, but I never took the time to figure that out, so I just kind of play it by ear. But I'll leave it in there for 1-2 minutes and it turns out perfect. But I can't imagine life without a bottle warmer, I really don't know how she would eat. And it's also compact too, at least the one I have (pictured) is, so I can bring it to someone's house and back without making it a big production. But seriously get a bottle warmer. I didn't see that many blogs mention a bottle warmer, or talk in depth about its importance.. I don't know if they just don't talk as excessively as I do, or if they do something else, I don't know. But I'm here to tell you how great it is, so thats my two cents. 

8. Bibs

This seems like a no-brainer, and I got a couple bibs from my shower, but get a lot of them. Have extras. And get ones to fit newborns, because a lot of the ones I got are for bigger babies, but her neck is too skinny for them. I went out and had to buy bibs that were made for newborns to fit her skinny little neck. And going without a bib is not an option, because she is a very messy eater; she drools, and she spits, and she spits up, and she makes an absolute mess. And I go through bibs like you wouldn't believe. She'll get one soaked and dirty, then i'll grab another, then another, and another, and I don't have time to launder the same 3 bibs over and over again. I honestly have about 15 bibs, and I use all of them at one point or another. Bibs to me are like socks: you can never have too many, because they get dirty and lost quicker than you can blink your eyes. Also, get bibs that are thick and made of terrycloth, because those are the most absorbent. I have some that are thin and made of cotton, and they just don't hold up. I mean they're still good, and they still get the job done, but if she's being especially messy they get messed up really quickly, and they'll get so wet that sometimes being on her clothes it'll get those wet too. Stock up on bibs. Nobody really thinks about it, so nobody really tells you how necessary they are, but if your baby is a messy eater this will save a lot of their cute little clothes from being destroyed.

9. Hand Sanitizer

Make sure you have this. Mandatory. Put it in your house. PUT IT IN YOUR DIAPER BAG. Do not leave the house without this in the diaper bag. Especially if you're going around people. Everyone wants to hold the baby, and you don't know what kind of germs people have. Think of all the things people touch in a day, and then them touching the baby. I don't let anyone hold Anastasia without using hand sanitizer first. Obviously this is important, but it's one of those things you don't really think about until you're in a situation where you think "I don't want this person holding my baby with their dirty hands, but I don't want to be rude". Get this right now, and put it in your diaper bag while you're at it. Do it. Don't forget.

10. Cool Mist Humidifier

This is really good with winter approaching with it's dry air. I really like this particular one because it's easy to clean, and it makes barely any noise. Sometimes I forget it's even on. I like to take Anastasia out for walks so she can see the outside, and so I can keep in shape, but as winter approaches the air gets drier. Also, the windows in my apartment are really shitty and drafty, so that dry air gets into my apartment as well. I mean maybe this isn't 100% necessary, but it is definitely helpful where I live because my apartment is so drafty. I definitely hear a noticeable difference in her breathing if I forget to put this on at night.

11. Pacifier WITH Cover

Make sure it has the cover. I remember my Nona always telling me pacifiers were no good, and so I was always really against using them. I also think they look kind of silly, and I don't like when a baby constantly has one in their mouth. But Anastasia has this thing where she has an excessive need to suckle, and in the hospital they would give her one to help calm down, and it works. Apparently babies don't know how to calm themselves down and self-soothe, so the pacifier does it for them. Thats what one of the hospital nurses told me, and they know more than I do, so I took their advice and got one. Now I can't imagine not having it. They're also good because she likes to eat her hands a lot, and sometimes I can't tell if it's for fun, or if it's because she's hungry, and I'll give her the pacifier and judge if she's truly hungry or not by how she sucks the pacifier. That is really helpful because it saves me a wasted bottle, because sometimes I'll put the bottle in her mouth and she'll suck it and stop. When she's already drank out of it I only have an hour to use it until it's bad, an formula is expensive, so it's nice having something to check if she's genuinely hungry, or if she just wants to suck and relax. And the cover is so mandatory with this, because they get dropped all the time. All the time. These Avent pacifiers come with one that snaps right on.

12. Pacifier Leash

I don't know if this is the technical term for this item, but it's what I call it. I love my pacifier leash. Sometimes she'll spit her pacifier out on accident, and sometimes on purpose, and it'll fall on the ground. Sometime's I'll forget to pick it up, and sometimes I'll pick it up and put it down somewhere on the fly and totally forget where I put it. These are also really nice for when she's in the car seat, because I'll hook it on her, and if she starts crying I can just feel up the leash to find it, instead of having to blindly search all over the nooks and crannies of the car seat. They also come in really cute designs and stuff, and they're not bulky or anything like that either. They have ones with a velcro loop, and then they have the ones like in the picture with the cloth loop. Its hard to explain how those ones work, but they're easy to do. I also prefer the fabric loop because ones its looped on its looped tight. I feel like velcro tends to come undone a lot easier, so that's why I have the other kind. But these can clip right on the baby's clothes, so that the pacifier is never far from her, and I always know right where it is so I don't have to look for it in a panic.

13. Pacifier Wipes

It's pretty self explanatory why these are awesome. I don't think I need to go into a ton of detail and say it over and over again. Pacifiers get dropped everywhere and get filthy, and even when they're on the leash they still touch stuff that has germs. These are such a necessity for my diaper bag, because when I'm home I can run the pacifier under water and sterilize it, but when I'm out and I don't have that option I have these. Sometimes I'll even use these at home if I'm feeling lazy. But anyway, diaper bag necessity for me. Love them. 

14. Baby Monitor

I feel like these are never mentioned on blogs or anything because it's just assumed that obviously you need them, but I'm slow so I didn't even think to get them until I couldn't shower or go outside or anything without worrying what the baby is doing. This is another item I don't think I need to go on and on about how important it is because it's pretty obvious, but I wanted to make sure that I at least listed it for the people like me that forget everything. Super helpful for the shower though, because she would be sound asleep but I would still be too nervous to get into the shower, and once I got a baby monitor I'd just bring it in with me, and I felt much better. These are so great for helping to adjust, especially if you get really nervous over everything like I do.

15. Car Seat Carrier Cover

Before I had this, I had an item very similar that was meant to be actually inside the car seat; you would weave the car seat straps through the holes in it to keep it in place, and then it would zipper over. However, I took a parenting class that took time to teach about car seat safety, and the woman from the fire department who taught the class said that the item I just mentioned really wasn't safe. Something about it affecting your ability to tighten the straps. This is like the safe version of that item, and it's wonderful. it goes all the way around the carrier on the outside, and then you place the baby in and zip the rest up over them, and it's meant to work in place of a blanket. I would always get nervous putting a blanket in the car seat with her, because with her rear facing I couldn't see if she'd pull it up over her face, and if I didn't hear her breath I would be scared she was suffocating and get major anxiety. She can't pull this over her face like with a blanket, so it totally puts my mind at ease. And if it's really cold, instead of layering blankets on blankets, I can just put one blanket underneath this and she would be nice and toasty. It's like keeping her in her own warm little room. Another thing that's nice about it is it has a flap that works for total coverage, so if it's really windy or something I can pull the flap up for a second until it settles down. And it makes the carrier look a lot prettier and less cold. So I totally love this, and with it getting colder and colder I am happier and happier with my purchase.

So thats all, folks! My list of items that make my life a million times easier. Also, none of these photos are mine except for the one of the tub thing. And I am not endorsing any of these products or being paid or any shit like that, I just didn't see many of these on blogs I looked at while I was pregnant, so now I've made my own with them. I hope that my trial and error and findings can help out a couple new moms or moms to be with figuring out what you really use on a daily basis with a newborn baby. And with that, I bid you all farewell!

Love Always,
Liza Jane

Saturday, December 19, 2015

A thank you note to my soulmate

Thank You
For always being there for me no matter what
For standing by me through the worst of times and the best of times
For helping me grow as a lover and as a woman
For bringing me back to reality 
For listening to me 
Thank You
For making me want to live in the present because that's where I can find you
For stealing my heart and giving me yours in exchange
For being stupid and goofy with me 
For never judging me no matter what 
For helping me realize my fears and being there to help me conquer them
Thank You
For all the sheep kisses, snake kisses, doggy licks, and Jeff kisses 
For exploring my body endlessly 
For giving me goosebumps and butterflies with just a look
For staring into my eyes and seeing a soul I never knew existed
For allowing me to search your eyes for comfort and love
Thank You
For always being proud of everything I accomplish, whether it's me cleaning the whole house or me just getting out of bed some days
For being there through all my moods and learning how to deal with all of them
For making me feel included in everything you do
For bringing me into your family when mine wrote me off
Thank You
For never giving up on me
For always showing me your unconditional love
For transforming me from a hopeless waste to a respectable and loving lady
For caring more than enough 
For making me your princess 

I can never thank you enough for everything you do for me 
But I want you to know that I appreciate everything you do 
And I'm so happy that my soul met yours 
I am eternally grateful and in love with you

Love always,
Your princess, 
Liza Jane xoxo

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Sheer Genius

I'm back, readers!

Hey there, guys! Sorry about my crazy long hiatus, sometimes life shows up
and it shows up when you totally aren't ready for it to
and you have to figure out how to deal with it all and get through it
But I made it out alive, and I'm back and better than ever!

Although summer is coming to an end, it isn't totally done yet
and considering I haven't posted much at all, I want to get one in before it's over

I noticed that the sheer fabric trend has exploded this summer, and this trend can be very tricky for the sheer (pun totally intended) fact that it's easier to have it look too revealing in a bad way than to make it look tasteful
But when it is done right man does it look nice!
Here's my take on styling this fabulous trend

Free People


Free People

Free People

In the above photos I included the sheer print, a photo of the garment alone, and a photo of it me
Sheer can come in all shapes and sized, and all prints and colors
I personally like my sheer lacy and black, but to each their own!

An outfit that incorporates a sheer piece has to be planned and composed from head to toe
You can't just buy a sheer dress and wear only that for obvious reasons
I also found it helps to figure out what purpose I want the sheer to serve
Do I want it to be an accessory, or the main focus of the outfit?

I'll use it as an accessory if I'm trying to dress up an outfit, like a black mini-dress (see photos 1 and 4 in the photo set)
Throwing sheer over a black dress can take it from sexy to interesting
It's like this: instead of throwing on a jacket or cardigan or something like that to dress up a plain outfit a little more, throw over a sheer dress! 
Layering isn't just for the fall anymore

If I want the sheer to be the focus of the outfit, what I wear underneath becomes very important
And whatever you wear underneath shouldn't compete with the sheer item, or else it will be too much going on
Some options I usually go for are a dress that is a noticeably different color as the piece, a nice bra and panty set (plain, not too sexy, same color as each other and usually as the sheer piece), or a nude onesie

I featured a picture of myself wearing a pastel pink mini dress from forever 21 with my thrifted sheer dress, and I think this mix makes the outfit look very put together and fun
I recommend sticking with pretty tame and muted colors, because brighter and more neon colors can make the outfit come off a little tacky
I also recommend keeping the accessories to a minimum, as well as keeping them plain, or else it could distract from the outfit and make it look cluttered

Though the picture I used is very hard to see, the third picture in the photo set I used here (sheer maxi dress) is done in the style of using the bra/panty set under the sheer outfit
The bra and panties selected are not meant to be sexy, or the main focus of the outfit
If they are too sexy it can look like a bedroom outfit, and although the outfit itself would still be cute, it would not be read very well in a public setting
My advice on the best way to keep the outfit from being slutty is getting a pair of really nice solid colored (most likely black) high-waisted underwear
It covers more skin than regular panties, and they appear more as shorts in my opinion
A regular bra can be worn on top, but a bandeaux is a great option, as well as a sports bra 

A nude onesie is my personal favorite way to really show off a nice sheer dress
However, when doing this look make sure you prepare yourself for hearing "are you naked?" at least 600 times
I have a super nice cotton nude onesie from american apparel I got a couple years back
This is a photo of mine
The backside is full, the straps are skinny, and the neckline plunges enough so it wouldn't be seen underneath
The onesie is meant to not be seen at all or have any attention drawn to it
Also, be aware of the length of the sheer item when wearing this
If it's a sheer shirt, it doesn't really matter
However, if it is a sheer dress that is short, like the one in the second cluster of photos in the photo set, then I would not recommend wearing this (or the panty set idea previously mentioned)
The dress should be long enough to cover your butt, because the idea of wearing the nude onesie in the first place is to make the sheer outfit look like a regular nice dress or top or whatever without something underneath of it taking some of the attention
The onesie lets the sheer piece give its full effect and be the showstopper it was made to be

Once summer is over, the onesie or bra/panty idea might need to be retired until the spring, because the winter is brutal, the sheer fabric is super thin, and you will literally freeze your ass off
But wearing it with another actual garment underneath it allows it to live on all year round!

Important things to keep in mind/remember:
-Make sure you decide wether the sheer piece is the main event or a supporting act in your styling
-If going with the bra/panty idea, the panties should NEVER be a thong
-Check your outfit before accessorizing with jewelry to avoid them competing
-Be mindful of the weather
-ALWAYS BE CONFIDENT! And if you don't feel innately confident, FAKE IT 'TIL YOU MAKE IT! (This is a trend where you need to own what your wearing, because other people will probably have something to stay about it. Instead of letting it affect you, brush it off and keep it moving, because you look AWESOME!)

Until next time, my lovely little readers!

Xoxo, Liza Jane

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Halloween (better late than never!)

PSA: I'm aware Halloween was nearly a month ago

However, I don't care!

Now that we've got that out of the way, hello readers! I know, it's been awhile
I've been super busy with school/work/family life, but none of that is as fun as it sounds

As busy as my life may be, I'll be damned if I don't take the time to put together an incredible costume for Halloween!
I love the drama that this holiday inspires, and I like to show my Halloween spirit through carefully planned costumes that I create myself
Anyone can go out and buy cat ears, a tail, draw on whiskers, and put on a black underwear set
but it takes true dedication to come up with a Halloween costume that will really wow everyone
You don't need to drop a ton of money in order to drop everyones jaws
Seriously, creativity goes a long way
And thus, my precious readers, I present to you my Halloween costumes of 2014!
side note: these costumes just might also be my favorites to date, honestly

Costume #1: The Cheshire Cat

Ah, the Cheshire Cat
One of the best characters out of one of my favorite Disney movies: Alice in Wonderland
The idea for this costume struck me out of nowhere, and I knew right away it was a winner
1. almost everyone knows this character, but its not a costume you see very frequently 
(I think it's so embarrassing showing up somewhere in the same outfit/costume as someone else)
2. It allows for a ton of creativity
3. This isn't a character you would normally peg as sexy
So... I made it awesome and sexy and everyone loved it!
This was technically my costume for my job's Halloween party on the day before, but who cares
I'm still counting it
I absolutely LOVE the way this turned out
I don't care if I seem arrogant about it, this costume took a lot of work and it totally paid off
 Outfit: purple and pink bikini set (Bare Elegance), knee high socks that give the illusion of being laced up and tied in a bow (Loehmann's), a pink tutu (Bare Elegance), fingerless fishnet gloves (Party City), and clear high heels (Lovestuff& More)
All of these items I already owned, so while everyone was out fighting tooth and nail over costumes the day of Halloween I was sitting in my house having a couple drinks before work
The cat ears and the actual Cheshire Cat itself were preowned items as well
The reason for the stuffed cat was to give reference to how much I looked like the character, and also to show people who haven't seen the movie (such people apparently exist) what they were looking at
The makeup took me a good 45 minutes or so to get just right, but with the help of my mom and the patience I luckily found everything came together better than I imagined
The hardest part of this costume was definitely the makeup, specifically the mouth (the white and black kept mixing)
However, it was not so difficult it couldn't be accomplished if you're determined enough 
.........And on to the next one!

Costume #2: Dr. Frank n Furter

The love I have for this character cannot even be put into words
Not only is he beyond sexy, his voice and personality kill me
If you haven't seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show (the movie from which he is the main character) I recommend you go out right now and buy it to watch immediately
This is my favorite movie ever, and nothing makes me happier than dressing up as my favorite character

Pretty spot on, eh?
This costume is similar to the Cheshire Cat in the respect that my costume is again made of preowned items, and the makeup is a bit challenging
For my senior spirit week in high school our theme was movies of any time period/genre/etc.
Why is this relevant?
Because I dressed up as Frank, and therefore I had all of these items left over from that incredible day
(nothing says awesome like walking through your school like this, trust me)
Outfit: Michael Jackson wig (Party City), pearl necklace (mom's), leather jacket (thrifted), corset top (Hot Topic), sequin booty shorts (Forever 21), thigh-high fishnets (Target), fingerless gloves (Party City), and black heels (thrifted)
Now this was my actual Halloween costume, and its a shame because not many people got to enjoy its beauty
Instead of going to some party and getting stupid drunk I decided to just go relax at my ex's house
Which doesn't sound like it would be relaxing, but it surprisingly was
For those of you who haven't seen the movie, here's reference to show how dedicated I was to making this outfit as perfect as I could:
Striking resemblance 

What a babe
I could never get tired of looking at this man, ever

Anyway, these were my Halloween costumes this year, and I was (and still am) totally in love with both of them
My blood, sweat, and tears went into these costumes, and it was so worth it
Hope everyone had a happy Halloween, now that it's almost Thanksgiving
But you know what I like to say?
Better late than never!

Liza Jane

Sunday, October 19, 2014

alive (personal post) *explicit content*

WARNING: Shit is About to Get Real

I am writing this for plenty of reasons:
1) this is an attempt at some form of closure that I never really got
2) I need to remind myself of why/how I'm alive so I can keep it that way
3) I hope someone reading this will be helped and/or inspired by it
...and here we go

I have been through some shit in my life; I'm 19 years old, but it feels like I've lived and enough to be about 180
But maybe that's just because the lifetime I've been going along with has thrown some experiences at me that some people wouldn't even believe
You know that saying, the one about how God gives his hardest battles to his strongest soldiers? Every time I heard this I used to hate it
Strong? Me? You've got me confused with someone else, mister
For a while it felt like "God" was giving his most hellish battles to his most fragile angel 
Because what's funnier than watching a weak little girl think she has a fighting chance? Am I right?
I would try and fight the battles, but I would stand up for myself only to be knocked down
After awhile I got tired, so tired, of fighting. Why fight something you can't win?
These battles tested my wits, and you know what? I eventually gave up
I picked my skin until it swelled, cut until I was profusely bleeding, cried until my eyes looked as in pain as my heart felt
Thinking, is this what you guys want? You now have me at my most vulnerable
I am totally and irreparably broken... happy?
But there's one thing I didn't realize until recently:
You have to pick and choose your battles, and you're  not going to win them all, no matter what
But you know what you can win?
The war
Because as much bullshit as the world wants to throw at you, and as bad as things may seem,
You're still alive
There are people all over the world that have dealt with the same problems as me, but weren't so lucky, as in they didn't make it out alive
But why me? It can't be because I'm special, because all those years of being bullied taught me how much of a piece of shit I am
And further than that, even if I AM a piece of shit, I don't think I deserve half of the cards I was dealt
Yeah, there's things I've been able to control and say yes or no to, but other things aren't so easy
Yeah I can say yes/no to drugs, but its a lot harder to say that to the face of your rapist, especially when you already said no once, except he didn't give a fuck
But regardless, living through these battles has nothing to do with being special, or with being a piece of shit that needs the punishment
It has to do with the fact that obviously you are strong enough, because you're still here
I had (key word had) a terrible god awful drug issue, but I'm still alive
I've been raped twice, once robbed for my virginity, the second time robbed for my money, phone, and dignity, but I'm still alive
I've had to be sent to the psych ward a couple of times, but I'm still alive
I've had the nice beaten out of me by my one ex on a regular basis, but I'm still alive
I've found love and completely fucked it up and lost that person, but I'm still alive
I could go on all day
But the point I'm trying to make is that you are strong enough to face the problems that've been thrown at you
And the proof? You're still alive!
I used to loathe being alive, and I tried really ending it a few times because it became unbearable
But I've been strong enough to make it this far, and I still wake up every morning and live another day
And trust me, If I can do this shit, so can you
You don't have to be humble, you don't have to act special, you don't have to be happy all the time
All you have to realize is that you are a human, and our minds and experiences really test our patience
And each time you go through something, you get stronger
You have lived through another hardship, and it is important to recognize the life you still have and the strength that you have accumulated over your lifetime
I might be a bitch, a bastard, a slut, anything you wanna call me
But before anything I am strong, and no one can ever take that away from me, or you
Keep on keeping on

Liza Jane